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The Kucha Kammer

Audioguide EN

This room, lit by half a window, served as a storeroom for the kitchen upstairs. It was connected to the hayloft* by a door in the dividing wall*. In the past, grain was stored here in three large chests, which were the only furnishings.

Here you can admire a rich geological, mineralogical and palaeontological collection.

The display cases showcase a collection of minerals from the Vallée de Villé, while the wall display cases display a rich collection of Carboniferous* and Permian* fossils from Albé and Lalaye.

The exceptional geological wealth of the Val de Villé has its origins in the collapse of the Rhine plain. Our valley was formed by this subsidence, which explains why it is so wide.

We return to the kitchen and head upstairs to the Stuba Kammer.

*barn: room where hay is kept
*refend: interior load-bearing wall
*Carboniferous: from 360 to 295 million years ago, part of the Primary Era *Permian: from 295 to 245 million years ago, the last part of the Primary Era