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Le musée est : Fermé


Tree of Life

Audioguide EN

Probably decorated with a footboard:
Polychrome egg painting.

The perimeter is traced with a cork, giving it a marbled appearance.

Provenance: Maison du Val de Villé in Albé

Explanation of the symbols

TULIP: Faithfulness, maternal womb,
The chalice (gift of God)

STRAWBERRY: Abundance, prosperity, a very common symbol in the 16th and 17th centuries.

THE GRENADE: Fertility, fruitfulness. Theme brought from the Turkish Crusades.

The very rustic design and the presence of the strawberry suggest a date between the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century.

Information supplied by Georges KLEIN (Former curator of the Musée Alsacien)